(FYI..all my single fish and other drawings (minus patterns) are here: https://www.combat-fishing.com/DesignFishCafeCatalog.html though patterns with the same fishes mostly go here: http://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/combatfish )
Drew up a few interesting gobies:
The Pinkbar Goby is another Indo-Pacific goby that is reef and rock oriented,
Bluebanded Gobies are a cold water fish found in the Pacific off California, especially near urchins and kelp forests.
I also drew up the last of my Pacific Salmons....the Chum or Dog Salmon. It is often considered lessor behind King (Chinook) or Coho (Silver) or Sockeye (Kokanee) salmon, though it is bigger then the Pink Salmon. Since my skill has improved over time it is the most real-looking salmon of the bunch. Note that Rainbow Trout (Steelhead), Cutthroat Trout (and Sea-Run variant), Golden Trout, Masu Salmon (Cherry Trout), Gila Trout, and Apache Trout all part of the Pacific Salmon and Trout Complex (i.e. Oncorhynchus).
tight lines,