Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Cloth, Wrap, wallpaper and such

Hello fish art fans :0)

I have started to scientifically analyze my pile of fish drawings and field them 30 at a time to my spoonflower presence at https://www.spoonflower.com/profiles/combatfish so anyone can buy them on wallpaper, cloth for clothing and decor, and wrapping paper (which can also end up as many decor items and projects).

Latest adds include: Mekong giant catfish, mosasaurs, anglerfish, cod, hake, dunkleosteus, oarfish,
and one of my favorite fossil fish the
Xiphactinus audax
 xiphactinus audax (too bad it is extinct, would have been a VERY interesting catch!) among several others.  Look for multiple versions, sizes, and abstractions of each species available in my store to add variety. Likely I will have a shirt and towels made of some of them.   My nieces and nephews like the wrapping paper, since the chop out each fish to use in play or to stick in scrap books and collages.

Later and fair seas,