Monday, February 24, 2020

More butterflyfish

More Butterflyfish drawings!

Drew up two similar butterflyfish: Chevron and Atoll.

Chevron butterflyfish (Chaetodon trifascialis) is a saltwater reef fish of the Indian and Pacific oceans including the Red Sea, and has lots of arrow marks (like sergeant stripes sideways).

A close relative, same genus is the Atoll Butterflyfish (Chaetodon mertensii)  hangs out on tropical Pacific Reefs.
Note the similar species to the Atoll Butterflyfish: Chaetodon madagascariensis  Indian Ocean, Chaetodon xanthurus , and Chaetodon paucifasciatus Red Sea.  Making something a species versus just a population is a big deal in the fishery biologist community, and can spark heated debate if the animals in question all look the same. Whole careers for some hinge on finding a species, and if you want to watch college professors yell at each other, ask them to prove their favorite is actually a species. 

Look for a whole pile of other fishes, including groupers, in my spoonflower site soon too. 

Tight Lines and Calm Seas,

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Latest Fishes and Designs

Drew up a few of the more interesting groupers out there.

  1. Strawberry Hind (Grouper, Kitty Mitchell)(Cephalopholis spiloparaea): My brothers and I have caught many strawberry groupers over the years in the Gulf of Mexico and Atlantic Ocean, always putting them back (too small anyhow). These colorful aggressive little groupers (hinds) would be great in an aquarium to be sure, with their pink and red coloration and spots, though I am sure any other fish would be dinner.
  2. Coral Hind (Coral Trout)(Cephalopholis miniata): This colorful fish is found off the Indian Ocean and Pacific Ocean Reefs including the Red Sea and Great Barrier Reef.  Again a little grouper that likes reefs. 
  3. Misty Grouper (Hyporthodus mystacinus): This is a deep water grouper found from 300 feet on down, on ledges and deep wrecks and reefs. 

Tight lines,